
What are Articles of the Week (AoWs)?

  • The AOW is a bi-weekly(ish) assignment that students are assigned with the purpose of building their background knowledge and improving their reading, annotating, and responding skills. These are skills that they will be able to take with them throughout middle school, high school, college, and beyond!

    AoWs are considered homework and are worth 20 points.

Why do AoWs?

Reason #1: They build prior knowledge, and that makes us stronger readers (and citizens!).

Reason #2: Becoming a stronger reader is critical if we are to survive the shark tank that is post-secondary life.

Reason #3: AoWs are often challenging, and that’s good for people who want to grow their brains.

Reason #4: AoWs let us “in” on lots of culturally relevant and timely jokes. Prior knowledge is important!
